The spine is a complex network of bone, tissue, and nerves. It not only provides critical support for the entire body, but it is also an integral part of the communication from the brain to other areas of the body. Injury to the spine can cause a variety of problems depending on the nature and the severity of the injury itself. Unfortunately, spinal injuries are a common result of being involved in a slip and fall accident. One type of spinal injury that can result from the impact of a slip and fall is a herniated disc. What exactly is a herniated disc? We will discuss that in more detail here.
Herniated Disc Injuries in Slip and Falls
The vertebrae of the spine are the small bones that run down your back and make it possible for you to stand upright and twist and turn. Between each vertebra are spongy cushions that stop the bones from rubbing against each other as well as preventing the nerves in the spine from such friction as well. The discs are jellylike, with a soft center, and are sometimes compared to something like the jelly you may find in the center of a doughnut. Damage to these jellylike discs can lead to uncomfortable protrusions from the disc that can impact surrounding nerves, or it can even lead to the disc’s outside layer being damaged to the point where the jelly is forced out and the disc becomes herniated.
The spinal discs are the shock absorbers of the spine. They help keep the tiny bones, the vertebrae in place. When a fall occurs, the force of impact can cause a disc to rupture. The rupturing of the disc means that vertebrae in the spine are likely to rub together with the loss of the cushion provided by the disc and there is also the likelihood of pressure being put on spinal nerves, which can cause a great deal of discomfort.
While some people may not experience any symptoms as a result of a herniated disc, many experience severe pain, as well as numbness and tingling sensations. In some cases, disc herniation can lead to loss of mobility and permanent disability. When evaluating a patient for a potentially herniated disc, a doctor will look for things such as radiating pain (pain that extends into the body’s extremities. Another warning side can be muscle weakness or dysfunction as well as low back pain that gets more severe as a person stands up or walks around for a long period of time.
Herniated discs often involve a full medical examination to be diagnosed. It is also common for a doctor to order diagnostic imaging tests, such as an MRI or a CT scan, in order to get a better idea as to the severity of the injury.
New York City Personal Injury Attorney
Have you hurt your back in a slip and fall? You may have herniated a disc in your spine due to the impact of your fall. If your fall was caused by negligent property conditions, you may be able to seek compensation for your injuries. Talk to Michael J. Redenburg, Esq. P.C. about your options. Contact our office today.