With winter upon us, it is imperative that drivers in New York are aware of the hazards of winter weather driving. Driving during inclement weather presents a number of different challenges and it is important to be mindful that even if you can drive safely, this doesn’t necessarily ensure the same for everyone else on the road.
How to Avoid Auto Accidents in Winter Weather in NYC
Here’s what you can do to minimize your risk of being involved in a winter auto accident this end-of-year season. Some winter weather driving tips from the NYC winter car accident attorneys at Michael J. Redenburg, Esq. PC are:
Your Vehicle Should Be Prepared for the Season
You should have your vehicle serviced and ensure that your tires and brakes are in proper condition to withstand the wintertime stresses of driving in cold temperatures. Bring along some scrapers, brushes and shovels. Also pack jumper cables, flares and a big bag of environmentally friendly cat litter (for traction) in your vehicle as well. A small emergency kit makes sense as well.
Check Out the Traffic & Weather Conditions Before Hitting the Road
If the road conditions aren’t good or there is a chance of bad winter weather, check the forecast and local traffic report before hitting the road. If there is a chance that you could get stuck in bad weather, or if you could wind up stuck in traffic for hours on-end, while the conditions continue to get worse, you may want to just stay home.
Leave Plenty of Extra Room Between Your Car and the Car in Front of You
When operating your vehicle in snow or ice, you should slow down and brake easily when you beginning to stop. Quick acceleration, braking or abrupt lane changes may cause your vehicle to lose traction, and in a worse case scenario, crash.
Keep an Eye Out for Unsafe Drivers
Regardless of how safely you drive, it’s difficult to protect against the risks of someone else making poor decisions on the road. As a result, when driving in winter weather, consistently be on the lookout for dangerous drivers.