Bedford–Stuyvesant is often referred to as Bed–Stuy and is a neighborhood located in the northern section of Kings County, Brooklyn. The zip-codes are 11205, 11206, 11216, 11221, 11233, 11238.
Too many residents are injured in Brooklyn car accidents each year, leaving them to deal with massive medical bills and the uncertainty of where to turn for help. At Michael J. Redenburg, Esq. PC, we take pride in providing compassionate counsel, aggressive representation, and maximum results for our clients.
A Bedford-Stuyvesant auto accident lawyer knows that every auto accident is unique and may have been caused by one or more factors. Sometimes it is the result of driver negligence, while other times it may be outside of a driver’s control. Having successfully litigated hundreds of accident cases throughout NYC we know the long-term impact that a car wreck can have on individuals and their families.
What Are the Common Causes of Car Crashes in Bedford-Stuyvesant Brooklyn?
Identifying the cause of the accident is a necessary part of handling your case, as this will help us determine who should be held liable legally responsible for the injuries you have sustained. Typically, the at-fault party’s insurance provider will pay damages, but we must negotiate or litigate for a fair settlement or award.
The following are the more common causes of car accidents that we’ve seen:
- Driver error or negligence
- Failure to properly service or maintain a vehicle
- Aggressive driving or road rage
- Inexperienced driving
- Fatigued driving
- Passengers distracting the driver
- Drug or alcohol abuse
- Eating or drinking
- Failing to yield the right of way
- Tailgating
- Turning in a dangerous manner
There are many other reasons that a car crash can occur in Bedford-Stuyvesant Brooklyn, which is why you need to hire an experienced car accident lawyer to completely investigate your case.
What Are the Most Common Types of Car Accidents?
Bed-Stuy car accidents can occur under a wide range of circumstances and result in varying injuries. Knowing the specific accident type that applies to your case can help you get a better understanding of who may be liable for your injuries. Our car accident lawyers can help you figure out what the most common car accidents are.
Some of the most common types of car accidents include:
- Hit & Run: Drivers in Bed-Stuy have a responsibility to stop and exchange information with all parties after being involved in an auto accident resulting in injury, death, or property damage. Fleeing the scene of an accident is a crime known as a hit and run.
- Rear-end Crashes: Rear-end accidents are usually caused by tailgating or driver inattention and occur when the front-end of one car contacts another vehicle from behind. Rear-end hits are some of the most common accidents in the United States. These types of crashes can still result in severe injuries, particularly whiplash.
- Crashes as a Result of Drunk Driving: It is illegal and very dangerous to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Intoxicated drivers can be held civilly and criminally liable for any injuries or damages that they cause.
- Head-on crashes: A head-on collision occurs when the front-ends of two cars collide. Head-on’s are often devastating and can happen due to driver negligence, such as when a motorist sleeps at the wheel on the highway and drifts into the path of oncoming traffic.
What to Do After a Bed-Stuy Car Crash
- Get the other involved drivers’ personal information
- Get the other drivers’ insurance information
- Call the police and make sure to fill out a police report and request a copy
- Document the scene of the accident by taking photographs and notes. Be sure to include any and all damage to your vehicle and any injuries sustained.
- Gather eyewitness statements and also get their contact information
- Contact your insurance company and inform them of the accident
- And reach out to an experienced Brooklyn car accident attorney
5 Star Google Review
I highly recommend Mike Redenburg to represent you if you’re looking for someone to get the job done! not only is he proficient but he is truly a stand-up individual not to mention genuine at heart. Thanks Mike… you’re the best!
During this time, you need attorneys who are capable and have the resources available to fight the insurance companies. We can provide the level of counsel you need, and we do so without charging upfront costs. In fact, we only get paid if we recover a settlement or award on your behalf. We will fight tirelessly to pursue the compensation you deserve with the required experience and resources you need and deserve. Contact us now at 212-240-9465 to get the wheels of justice spinning for you!