Following a serious truck accident in Murray Hill, you might be struggling both physically and financially. Trucking companies and their insurance companies will fight to the death to mitigate their financial exposure and blame any other party possible and may even blame you, the innocent victim. This is the very last thing you need when you are struggling day-to-day to get by physically, emotionally and financially. Let us take some of the weight off of your shoulders and handle the legal end of things.
Do You Have a Viable Murray Hill Truck Accident Case?
You may find yourself wondering what your legal rights are following a big-rig accident in Murray Hill, Manhattan. You are facing financial pressures as bills mount being out of work, and you’re understandably frustrated. If you or someone you love have been ensnared in a truck accident, contact the Law Firm of Michael J. Redenburg, Esq. PC immediately at 212-240-9465 to protect your legal rights and obtain the financial compensation that you’re legally entitled to.
Why Hire a Lawyer to Handle Your Truck Accident Case?
Given the complexities of Murray Hill truck accidents, the last thing you should do try to do is negotiate your personal injury claim without qualified legal counsel. A Murray Hill truck accident lawyer from Michael J. Redenburg, Esq. PC can help you through your case by:
- Investigating the facts and circumstances of the truck crash and preserving all available evidence;
- Retaining a qualified accident reconstructionist expert to review all of the evidence and identify the party or parties responsible for causing the accident;
- Identifying all possible sources of financial compensation to compensate you for your injuries and pain & suffering;
- Documenting your injuries and losses, including future anticipated losses;
- Prosecuting your claim for financial compensation with the trucking company’s insurer and aggressively negotiating for a full and fair settlement;
- Filing your case in a court of law and advocating on your behalf at trial, presenting your case to a jury of your peers.
How Much Is Your Murray Hill Truck Accident Case Worth?
In a semi-truck accident case, you may be entitled to recover financial compensation for the full extent of losses that you incurred. Our Murray Hill Truck Accident Lawyers will pursue maximum payment for:
- Expenses related to your medical treatment and physical rehabilitation
- Costs of long-term health or personal care that you need for permanent disabilities
- Loss of income from missed work after the trucking accident
- Loss of future earning capacity if disabilities affect your ability to return to work
- Physical pain and emotional suffering from your injuries and medical treatment
- Reduced quality of life because of disabilities, scarring, or disfigurement
- Losses related to the wrongful death of a loved one
How Is Fault Determined in a Murray Hill Truck Accident?
To determine the real proximate cause of a trucking accident, our law firm will review all the different pieces of evidence that will indicate the who, what and where related to the crash. Some examples of evidence we may use to indicate fault in your truck accident include:
- The truck driver’s hours-of-service logs, which may help to prove that the driver caused the accident due to fatigue
- Results of any drug/alcohol screens performed on the truck driver after the accident
- The truck driver’s driving records and employment history
- The truck’s electronic data recorder (“black box”) logs, which may indicate that the driver negligently operated the vehicle by speeding or failing to brake properly
- The truck’s inspection and maintenance records, which might help prove that a failure to properly maintain the truck led to a mechanical failure that caused the accident
- The manifest, which shows what cargo was loaded on the truck and how it was loaded
Other types of evidence that we can also use in truck accident cases include police accident reports, photos of the crash scene, cell phone captured videos, eyewitness testimony, and expert accident reconstruction reports.
Who Can Be Held Liable Following a Truck Accident in Murray Hill, NYC?
Unlike other types of motor vehicle crashes where one driver or the other will typically be found to be at fault for the accident, liability in Murray Hill truck accidents may be placed on many different parties. Some of the types of parties that may be held liable in a truck accident case include, but may not necessarily be limited to:
- The truck driver
- The trucking company
- The owner of the big-rig
- A shipper or cargo loader
- The truck maintenance company
- A truck parts manufacturer
Contact us Now!
Call the law firm of Michael J. Redenburg, Esq. PC today to schedule your free, no obligation, in-office consultation and learn how we can help get the Wheels of Justice spinning for you. Call now at 212-240-9465.