Recovering damages after suffering an injury in a car accident becomes even more challenging when the at-fault driver is uninsured. Even though all New York drivers are required to carry minimum automobile insurance levels, many New York drivers are uninsured. Additionally, some drivers who have insurance are underinsured, and their insurance policy will not cover all of your financial losses.
If you or someone you love has become injured in a New York car accident involving an uninsured or underinsured driver, attorney Michael J. Redenburg can help. He has extensive experience advocating strongly for his clients and helping victims of uninsured driver accidents recover the compensation they deserve. Our goal is to secure enough compensation for you to provide for you and your family going forward. Contact Michael J. Redenburg today to schedule your initial consultation and learn how we can advocate for you.
New York Requires Drivers to Carry Automobile Insurance
New York state law requires all drivers to carry minimum levels of automobile insurance. Drivers must have a minimum of $25,000 per person, $10,000 for property damage, and $50,000 per accident for bodily injuries. If the at-fault driver who caused your car accident did not have any insurance coverage, you might need to claim your own automobile liability policy. Many automobile insurance policies include uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage.
Typically if you have a basic car insurance policy in New York, you also have uninsured motorist coverage for the same amount as your liability coverage. When an at-fault driver is uninsured, or you’re involved in a hit-and-run accident and are not able to exchange information with the at-fault driver, you can seek coverage through your insurance policy. You will need to prove that the at-fault driver does not have an insurance policy, or that the at-fault driver’s insurance policy will not adequately cover the cost of your damages.
Most Uninsured Motorist Policies Include Underinsured Driver Coverage
Sadly, many New York drivers do not carry any automobile insurance. It’s never a guarantee that the at-fault driver will sufficiently compensate the victim of a New York car accident. One of the best things you can do after being involved in a car accident is to speak with an experienced lawyer.
Your lawyer can speak to the at-fault driver’s insurance company to determine the limits of the policy. When the at-fault driver’s insurance policy is too low to cover all of the damages you suffered, you may need to file an uninsured motorist claim with your automobile insurance policy. Underinsured motorist coverage will pay out the difference between the driver’s policy limit and your policy limit. Suppose you suffered $100,000 of damages from the car accident, but the at-fault driver’s insurance policy only covered $50,000 in damages. Your underinsured motorist coverage would kick in and pay the remaining $50,000.
Thoroughly Investigating Your Car Accident Is Crucial
Attorney Michael J. Redenburg has extensive experience negotiating aggressively with insurance companies. He will review your case and determine the best way for you to seek compensation for your injuries. In some cases, the driver himself may not have an adequate insurance policy, but the driver’s employer may have commercial liability insurance. In this situation, the injured person may bring a lawsuit against the driver’s employer. Typically, businesses carry commercial liability insurance with higher insurance policy limits than the average driver.
There could be additional at-fault parties as well. For example, if the street on which your accident took place was poorly designed, you may bring a claim against New York City. If your car accident involved multiple drivers who were at fault, you might be able to seek compensation from the other at-fault party. Conducting a complete and thorough investigation into the facts of your case is crucial, especially when one of the at-fault parties is uninsured or underinsured. During the investigation, you may discover other parties who are at fault and liable for your injuries.
Proving That You’ve Explored All Sources of Compensation in an Uninsured Driver Accident
If you have uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage through your insurance policy, you can file a claim through them. You likely feel a sense of reassurance that you do carry this type of coverage. However, while filing a claim for uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage may sound easy, the process can quickly become complicated. Your insurance company will require you to prove that you have exhausted every other possible opportunity for recovering compensation from an at-fault party.
Keep in mind that insurance companies are for-profit businesses. They will attempt to deny any and every claim possible. You will need to provide them with documentation that you have exhausted every other avenue before they will pay out your claim. Even when they decide to pay out your underinsured motorist claim, they often offer a low settlement amount. When filing an underinsured or uninsured motorist claim, you need an assertive attorney on your side to negotiate with your insurance company.
Contact an Experienced Uninsured or Underinsured Driver Accident Lawyer Today
At Michael J. Redenburg, we can help you take all of the necessary steps to obtain compensation from your insurance company so you can focus on recovering from your injuries. Negotiating with an insurance company that doesn’t want to pay out a fair amount for your claim is the last thing you need while recovering from your traumatic car accident. When you hire Michael J. Redenburg to represent you, you can rest easy knowing that he is advocating for you every step of the way. Contact our law firm today to schedule your initial consultation.